Why is journalism difficult in Turkey?

I think the situation I found myself in after the last week's sensational news about July the 15th worth commenting. Once again I realized that journalism is really difficult in Turkey.  Because...


I have obtained an important document which is going to refute the official thesis of July 15th military coup attempt in Turkey. This document is an official trial record (minutes) which is included in...

A message from Mujica’s ‘Twelve Years Night’ to Erdoğan’s gang leader: “I wish you...

 The curtain was falling on the 12-year military-civilian dictatorship in Uruguay, and the country was revisiting democracy.      It was 1985…      The first-ever elections held after a 13-year intermission in 1984 was won...

Pakistan Termed These Schools as ‘the Antidote to Terrorism’

COMMENTARY - AHMET DÖNMEZ Supreme Court of Pakistan’s declaration of the Gülen Movement as a ‘terrorist organization’ holds a massive contradiction regarding this country’s own history. Having been fighting against the plague of terrorism for...

Was the decision taken in that meeting?

COMMENTARY - AHMET DONMEZ The Supreme Court of Pakistan’s decision of declaring the Gülen Movement as a terrorist outfit has once again revealed the facts of politics, interest-based international relations and how the long arms...

‘Akın İpek’ Decision of London’s Westminster Magistrates Court Shocks Turkey!

The discussion which had started with the decision of London’s Westminster Magistrates Court about Akın İpek, and the official letter of The Ministry of Justice, continues with a lot of blaming. The government denied their...

Why so many inconsistent statements, right Mr. Erdoğan?

Erdogan and his very long arms should be curiously watching the fate of the murder case of Jamal Khashoggi. At some point, what’s happening is very related with the road map they will follow. The...

The nameless victims of an insane era

On the one hand, we have the amnesty discussions, and on the other, we have suspicious deaths being reported on television. While discussing who to include in or exclude from the amnesty, a young and...

Does Razak’s future await Erdogan as well?

Not groundless it is to establish parallels between ex. Prime Minister of Malaysia Najib Razak, who lost the election, with the money discovered in his house and trying to flee from the country, and...
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